Make Your Own Nut Milks For Only $1 Per Litre!

Make Your Own Nut Milks For Only $1 Per Litre!

Jeremy Dixon
Here is something to try during lockdown ... these nut milks could transform your life!  And save you heaps of cash.

Making nut milks is easy, delicious, healthier and inexpensive.

You will not believe how creamy and delicious these milks are and how easy it is ...

1 x 400g tub of cashew butter from is inexpensive. It will make 6 batches (6 litres) of nut milks. That is around $1-2 per litre. Usually you will be paying $4-8 for a nut milk in the supermarket. So making your own nut milks is awesome value.

Here are the instructions...
  1. Put 2 tablespoons of nut butter and 1 cup of filtered water into a blender.
  2. Blend for 20 seconds or until smooth (depends on your blender).
  3. Add 3 more cups of filtered water (to make up to 1 litre) and blend for another 20 seconds.
  4. Pour into a jug and store in the refrigerator for up to a week.
  5. Like any milks, you will need to shake before using as it will seperate on standing.
How simple is that???

Try out all the nut butters to get your favourite flavour.  Here is the order I suggest (in order of my favourites)....

1. Cashew milk - my favourite (you will love the creaminess)
2. Hazelnut milk (nice nutty flavour)
3. Almond milk
4. Peanut & Hemp Milk (this is around half the price again at around 50 cents per litre!!!)

I usually have a routine (every Sunday night) where I prepare my milks for the week ahead. They do taste better chilled (like most drinks).

Use for smoothies, on cereal, in hot drinks, or froth it for silky smooth milk. This is the method we use at the cafes to make our amazing caffeine free hot drinks with cashew milk (cacao latte, chai latte, turmeric latte) and it froths well.

Here are some important things to note when making nut milks:
  • You want to make sure you have a creamy mixed milk.  Not flecks of nuts and water (that is why nut butters are best).
  • Ensure you start with very clean and dry blender and storage bottles. This will ensure you get a full 7 days shelf life in your fridge.  Also refrigerate immediately.
  • There is a little pink Himalayan salt in our nut butters however you may wish to add a pinch more.
  • You can sweeten them by adding a tablespoon of natural sweetener (eg. honey, date puree, maple syrup).
  • You can adjust the ratio of nuts to water to get a creamier or thinner milk.
  • Make a batch of several bottles at a time to minimise clean up time.
There are some good nut milks available from the supermarket. However some of them are full of sugar, processed gums, preservatives. Plus many are homogenised (like blue top milk). This is where the milk is blasted through very small holes to break the cells of the milk so it does not seperate. Sounds convenient but very processed. So making your own is great!

Enjoy, and I would love to hear how you get on!!!